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A 2b2t link directory

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Official Links:

2b2t.org - Official website.

shop.2b2t.org - Offical way to burn your money.

2b2t Reddit - Thoughtcrime is real.

Community Links:

Uncensored Reddit - Community made subreddit.

2b2t Wiki - Community made and maintained wiki.

2builders12rules - 2b12r website.

Who Owns 2b2t? - Community made website about who owns 2b2t.

Community Discord Links:

2b2t Wiki Server - Official server for the 2b2t wiki.

2b2t Discord Archive - A server to find other 2b2t related discord servers.

2b2t Mapart server - Server for map artists on 2b2t.

2b2t Collectors Server - 2b2t Book & Collectibles Network discord Server.

2b12r Server - 2builders12rules discord server.

BMProxy - How to play 2b2t without giving hause money.


Rusher Hack - Website for Rusher Hack.

Meteor - Website for Meteor clinet.

Mio Client - Website for Mio Client.

Boze Utility Mod - Website for Boze Utility Mod.

Future - Website for Future client.

Best Groups On 2b2t:

Amish - Discord server for Amish People.

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Website Made by 1btt

Contact: [email protected] or 1btt on Discord